Ended my temp job on second week of July. Indo hottie shook my hands and gave me a side hug. G stood in front of my desk and told me about uni life..and his lips are so pinky red as contrast to his tanned skin. P congrats me tat I'm leaving the company (kinda tough there ya?) and gave me a sweet OL smile. Finally, I manage to pronounce the guy from capital marketing propery..wee teck.
Some files I work on..mainly to chase ppl to make payments for outstanding invoice balance
Trainings and briefing from uni. Library training..one funny day. Woke up late then rush to the LKS Library. Randomly printed out the time slot without looking at the correct date and time. It was on tuesday and I came on monday..wth la. However, I was saved by a saint librarian who offered a place for me for the afternoon session. Met a gal from NYP who looks rather like Hanjuan. Socialise with her cuz I got a gut feeling that she's from biz and Bingo. The library facilities are realli like NP except we have excess to plenty more complicated stuffs like Bloomberg, journals and huge databases. And here begins my life of reading papers and journals, very General Paper kind of style.
Course briefing another chui one. The whole career services team super enthu - more enthu than all of the students. Internship, community services, career etc bombarded my brain that day. Splitted into separate teams to finish a quiz. My group very vibrant, had many smart guys and gals and of cuz some pretty ones. Couldn't quite clicked with some of them but managed to know few from TP, NP and VJC. Finally, attended the SlamDunk online portal guide. My ears had some problem that day and I misintepreted the name of the gal from VJC as Cat Lee when it was supoosed to be Kenli. And I even went on to ask her, "Oh, so ur name is Cat?" Then each of us was assigned a facilitator. The male facilitator was kinda interested in Cat and of which I didn't know until the very end. He kept asking her questions and I kept interuppted them as I thght it was some kind of group talk. I was like O.O and -_-'' when I realised that I was interuppting them so I talked with my Indian facilitator more instead. The person encouraged us to talk and told us that the school is about talk-talk-talk in order to survive in seminar-like classes.
After a day of seeing so many smart and pretty gals in my course, I soon started developing some inferior complexity. I gotta survive~
Business Class Boarding Pass?? as claimed by the Career Service Dept.
~Citizens of the School
My new bf ..he is cute can.
Haha, like real as if I had one. Anyway, Miyavi is going on his music tour for his This Iz the Japanese Kabuki Rock Tour. Love the way he dolls up as a female, so versatile. Reminds me of Boy George but of cuz I perfer the Asian version more. Kabuki is a flamboyant traditional sing and dance performance in Japan and that explains the exaggerated costumes and make-up Miyavi is wearing.