It is the end of the first week of school. Many more readings to catch up on as compare to other semester as I am taking up the more intensive thinking courses. Other than that, using some of my free time searching for jobs through my school portal and looking up for career talks session. Feel so much like procrastinating but the gloomy economic outlook does not signal anything positive either.
Is finding someone who has a sincere heart that makes you feel secure that difficult? While you are the over-achieving one who has many aspiring plans in life and at overseas, I just want someone who leads a simple and less over-complicated life.
My friend posted this MV quite some ago on FB and I really think it is a well created MV that connects well with the song and lyrics. Liang Wen Yin's I am not that courageous as you think. 梁文音 (我不是你想像那么勇敢). Click to watch.

In a life's journey, we will sometimes lose part of ourselves or an object along the way. If I had lost courage and strong will in life, can I find it at the Lost and Found information counter?

Watched this animated dvd movie that comes free from a magazine subscription. It brings me closer to Buddha and his life story. An inspiring story of one of the greatest teachers in history which is filled with compassion and wisdom. The Buddha, directed by Krismant Wattananarong.