An interesting week with conflicts at training centre and home, laughter on Friday and some self-reflection. I shall not post any personal attack or personal grudges cuz perhaps I am a some sort of peace lover and it's already the last let bygone be bygone. The conflict started cuz of my selfishness which I admit and both parties' ignorance. It's of no use to use this blog as a source of criticism as it only proves that I have not let this matter be a history and it will only let the opposite party thinks otherwise..which boils down to a foolish child game if another conflict and misunderstanding strike cuz of my comments. Time is like a ticking time bomb to me in this whole sem, no time to waste no time to lose. If there's one thing I yearn for and that's to complete this sem and move on to the next phase of my life.
I looked at my Brother with the Microscope of criticism,
And I siad , "How corase my Brother is."
I looked at him through the Telescope of Scorn
And I said, "How small my Brother is."
Then I looked in the Mirror of Truth
And I said, "How like me my Brother is."
We live and work and dream,
Each has his little scheme,
Sometimes we laugh
Sometimes we cry
And thus the days go by
In time of crisis, friends and religion play a fair part as the pillar of support. Different friends may have different opinions, some may say you are the one at fault or perhaps not the one at fault. But it's religion which will not tell you a single answer but ask for true-refelction and meditate your broken soul.
Mood was better after watching Ratatouille with friends on a late night. Though was home late but movies always give me a sudden boost and fruity burst in life.
Time to do mugging since tests are near. Realised I m a rather slow learner and a daydreamer. A fact I don't deny. mUahaha~