Sunday, September 9, 2007

3 weeks of short break and it ended so soon. 6 weeks of CPTC at Jurong Island juz started this week. First time entering the island and transportation is rather daunting. Have to take a shuttle bus from Lakeside and enter the Island Checkpoint again for security reasons. Being rather absent-minded, I was paranoid about the fate of my pass to the Island.

First three days of the training, had to attend full 8 hours of lecture from morning to evening. After wednesday, lessons start on afternoon but food is a problem. During attachment, had proper meals provided, although the canteen food wasn't that good but at least stomach was filled with enough food to last my day there. Here, nobody bothered to eat the canteen food as it tasted rather bad, but to think about it, it's much better than cold food from packed dinner. Packing dinner from home is tedious and trouble-some cuz you have to think what to eat and the rice is cold when you eat it like after 4 hours.

6 weeks of tight theory and practical schedule could be a terror as my brain is not that powerful and I believe I am quite a slow learner compared to my peers. Had to absorb all information that's thrashed on me so..gotta tell my brain to work faster and smarter.

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