Thursday, August 6, 2009

Time does fly fast when life gets enjoyable and stress-free. School is starting soon and there are some kind of unexplained mixed feelings. Like what kind of weapons and armors should I prepare? Stainless steel, bullet proof and health potion sound good. Lately, I have been thinking a lot and being superstitious cuz I do not want history to repeat itself. And this history was my period of "Great Depression". But I am glad to say that I have overcome a regret. I no longer live in that world and I think the future does not welcome this tinge of sweet playback at all.

Some photos to share of a balloon sculpting and fund raising project which I volunteered few months back. Overall, it is a good learning experience and an enjoyable one.

The "Jo-is-gonna-puke" peacock during training sessions at Changi

The masterpiece after an overnight stay over at the freaking warm shopping mall

The display during finale event after much tremor

The tree that kids pull when they descend the escalator

The friendly snake with a gentle hiss

The monkey that I wish to bring home. Yummy banana~

Gigantic giraffe and chivalrous horse

Closeup of the white horse

Many aunties Lucy steal them even when we place the "Do Not Touch" sign..LOL

Finally, gifts from all my dearest friends for my early birthday celebration. Thanks!

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