After a short getaway trip to Genting during the weekends..2 weeks ago, I am happy to say that I have overcome my fear for heights partially. With a bunch of "mad" yet fun bunch of friends, we sat the theme park rides from morning to evening. I screamed wtf twice (or maybe thrice) while on the viking aka pirate ship.
The ultimate one was the sky rocket (or whatever they call it) where they brought us to few meters high and plunged you up and down at crazy speed. I was holding the hand of an Arab lady before the ride started..and we were both terrified like some school kids waiting to enter the Principal's office. I guessed my face was just a pale sheet of paper. For a few seconds, my heart stopped beating and I couldn't even scream or see. The weather was so cold and foggy that I could only, literally, see floating clouds. And I swear that my soul was away from my body for that split second!
A jam-packed weekend, but lots of memory (especially at this grand old age).

It's also my last week in office as an Intern student at this Marketing firm. I wouldn't say I learned a lot since learning is life-long, but I have gathered few soft and hard skills, which could be applied in my studies and life.
I sat in the meeting room and had a last chat with my boss. It was a rewarding one and a time where I somehow did a little HR talk with him to find out my weaknesses. Despite his harsh critics, I believe that I have gained a fresh perspective. You may disagree or have other principles or philosophy in life, but for me, I realized 2 things: (1) It's never too late to make a mistake, but the most important thing is to learn from it. (2) Everything that I am doing now serves a purpose.
Even on the last day of work, I was busy tidying the project which I had started off with. It was fulfilling..much more fulfilling than when I am studying. We had pizza and Koi (yumm!) for lunch and headed to Kallang Leisure Park in the mid-afternoon for ice-skating.
The funniest thing was that my colleague and I were trapped in between the doors at Stadium Circle Line while on our way home. The handle of my umbrella got stuck in between the train's door and my other colleague thought it was my hand since the umbrella's handle was beige too. The train's doors closed at lightning speed and some others were also nearly trapped at other stations. I wonder whether they did install sensors or what would have happened if there's an elderly boarding the train?
I'll miss my colleagues due to all the laughter and hard work that we all had shared in this short but fruitful 3 months.

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