"要放下就要先舍自我, 不然自我愈强,就愈不容易放下。愈无执著者,自我就会渐渐减少,当自我减少了,才是真正的放下。"
- 慧门禅师
"人的心灵宛如一面镜子,能映照出世间的美好。当明镜蒙尘时,如不及时清扫,人将 会失却真我,生活也将处处呈现烦恼尘埃。地面经常清扫,才会有干净的院落;同样, 人的内心需要时常反省,才会有干净的生活。"
- 周利槃特 Ksudrapanthaka (扫心地)
The above religious quotes were excerpts from a magazine that I've just read. I always believe that no matter what religion one is from, God/Buddha/Guan Yin is the pillar of strength to my life. My mother used to be Catholic, but ever since 4 years ago, we converted to Buddhism. I hope that one day I could be reunited with religion & you and find the reasons to my life's ordeals and journey.
Lately, I'm disappointed with people around me and even myself, but I think it's time to lower my expectations and accept what everyone or everything is. But what I realized most is the gift of life. Had some eye viral infection few weeks ago and was given dosage of antibiotics. It soon turned out to be a mini nightmare! First, it was the swollen gum..next, it was the flu..then the cough with blood in my phlegm, the blood pressure plunge..well, it all practically snowballed during my mugging period.
When life is getting faster or spinning without control, it's good to listen to music and seek refuge in religion. At least for me, they help. I don't know when I become a great fan of Hayley Westenra, Libera, and S.E.N.S. Quite strange, but I didn't "dodge" or fall asleep while listening to such songs.
Finally had some good sleep (as if I didn't sleep for few years) few days ago and had a great dinner with poly friends at The Queen and Mangosteen yesterday.
There are so much more things to learn in life and while being grateful to be able to learn and be "refined", I am lazing on my couch thinking of my next move.
Lately, I'm disappointed with people around me and even myself, but I think it's time to lower my expectations and accept what everyone or everything is. But what I realized most is the gift of life. Had some eye viral infection few weeks ago and was given dosage of antibiotics. It soon turned out to be a mini nightmare! First, it was the swollen gum..next, it was the flu..then the cough with blood in my phlegm, the blood pressure plunge..well, it all practically snowballed during my mugging period.
When life is getting faster or spinning without control, it's good to listen to music and seek refuge in religion. At least for me, they help. I don't know when I become a great fan of Hayley Westenra, Libera, and S.E.N.S. Quite strange, but I didn't "dodge" or fall asleep while listening to such songs.
Finally had some good sleep (as if I didn't sleep for few years) few days ago and had a great dinner with poly friends at The Queen and Mangosteen yesterday.
There are so much more things to learn in life and while being grateful to be able to learn and be "refined", I am lazing on my couch thinking of my next move.
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