Sunday, December 11, 2011

At a time when I falter and question myself, I receive kind words from some of my friends. Although they are just a few, but I am already satisfied. They gave me the encouragement and perhaps they might not know, they actually provide me with assurance that the path I am walking on is worth it.

One late night after there was no bus and train, I was flagging a taxi and the taxi driver uncle mistook me as a Chinese national (PRC). Even when I tried to correct him, he was still bewildered until I started speaking in Singlish and he switched on the car's interior light to clarify. But jokes aside, I am still sort of cheena and I like Chinese philosophy and history. They are so rich and deep in meaning.

Took a Chinese history and political class many months ago and I like how Lao Tzu says about been satisfied with oneself. In chapter 33 of the Tao Te Ching, it says:

知 人 者 智 , 自 知 者 明 。 胜 人 者 有 力 , 自 胜 者 强 。 知 足 者 富 。 强 行 者 有 志 。 不 失 其 所 者 久 。 死 而 不 亡 者 寿 。

Loosely translated in English: Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing oneself is enlightenment. Mastering others requires strength. Masters oneself requires might. He who is satisfied with his lot is rich. He who acts with vigor has will. He who continues with the requirements of his position will endure. He who lives out his day has had a long life or longevity.

I think many times in life we will only come to appreciate what we have and enjoy the richness of life when we come to understand the meaning of being satisfied with our own lot.

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