Sunday, April 15, 2012

Things are not going smoothly these days and I feel myself being entrapped in a never-ending maze. No matter how hard I have tried or thought I have tried, the outcomes are just disappointing.

I wish he or they could have understand more, but it seems that it does not matter now. It is sometimes just too daunting clarifying or explaining yourself while the other parties are just clueless or in doubts. The worst is when you burst into a fitful anger and only later realize that you are the greatest sufferer of your own negative mood.

I guess everyone has their own definitions of "dreadful" experience, but there are basically two clear options. Sit at one corner and continue moaning or pick yourself up (no matter how bad in shape you are) and adapt or change. Because the ultimate controller of my life is none other than myself.

Not sure whether you are aware of Charlie Chaplin's instrumental soundtrack for the 1936 movie - Modern Times, which was later rewrote with lyrics for the song title "Smile". Smile was then later used as a tribute song to Michael Jackson. The song strikes a chord with me in terms of similar sentiments towards life and gives me motivation to smile even when I am so tired. "Smile even though your heart is aching. If you smile through your pain and sorrow, smile and maybe tomorrow you will see the sun come shining through. Light up your face with will find that life is worthwhile."

I miss HK so much and have the urge to return to my school campus where I am greeted with the nature every morning and the cooling breeze at night. If people say nature is the best medicine for healing purposes, I will definitely agree.

Although it was just a mere few months of residing at the dormitory of New Asia college, this video brings back much fond memories.

" 暮春三月,是花開的季節,是離別的季節。每年到了這些天,同學披上畢業袍、拋起四方帽,一面迎向未知的未來,卻又難忘在此間度過的幾個寒暑,難捨那曾經以為不老的青春。

成長總有起伏,離別何必感傷,這麼美好的校園,如此美好的時光,在花開花落之間,在各奔前程以前,讓我們珍惜還能一起切磋思想,砥礪人生的機會,多聽幾場精采的演講,讓我 們為中大,唸一首詩,寫一幅字,拍一張照片,紀念這段青蔥歲月。"


Because I myself am in the mountains
Sometimes I dream of the campus
Those "feast" of ideas
Those campus corners that are loaded with memories
Those years of shuttling up and down the mountains
Before embarking on my future
Treasure and cherish..
Good times here

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