Sunday, September 2, 2012

Things are getting odd lately. With the burning question of getting marry and having babies from so many people, it bears a hidden pressure and a standard reply of "I will when I have found my partner." 

If requirements on a male partner is a dependent variable on age, then a female's requirement on finding an ideal partner will tend to decline as age progresses. And with the worrying figures that many highly-qualified females are single even at the age of 30s and 40s, what promising picture does it paint on society? Am I demanding too much than what I can swallow?

I guess not much people know the exact situation of mine and to divulge it is rather a tad embarrassing. It does not help if your parents keep asking insensitive question as if to broadcast your sorrow openly. The truth is I am jealous that he seems to be doing fine even without me. Or maybe I think too much on the details and I am just being an obstinate and too conservative woman. For now, I could not agree more with this statement, "Be wise. Treat yourself, your mind, sympathetically, with loving kindness. If you are gentle with yourself, you will become gentle with others." You see..negative thoughts and being too dependent on others are killers and being unattached can also be happy too. For who is to be blamed for mistakes made thrice? Go to the beach, go do some exercise, go and open your social circle, go get some silly girl.

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