Being doing the routine stuffs for 5 wks liao. Haha..can't imagine that I have not touched SVOC and those ''Cha-Cha" separating funnels for such a long time. I miss them greatly.Working with Uncle Chong is great and at least he's more approachable. Some workers there are dampening my mood by providing such comments:
1. You can't learn much from Uncle Chong
2. I feel pity for you..sighz
3. Why are you still working with him for such a long time, you shld be learning new stuffs
But let me put this clear, is not that I don't wish to learn new stuffs but they just don't offer me the chance. Almost every day, I offer my help politetly to Senior TO and the reply is so expected " There's nth for u to do today." or " I will inform u when there's work"..(which ends up as a lie). So I will say OK and hunt for new things to learn from others since she doesn't own the whole lab. Bleahz.
It's so strange how coldly she treats me. Sometimes she smiles at me but at other times she just gives me a cold shoulder. I am not complaining about any unfair treatment but I just don't get it on why she will rather do those work herself. I didn't screwed up her last job the previous time.
And here I shall disclose my top 3 "Pissed My Mood" list..lOlz
1. Stomach cramps
2. Threats
3. People who snaps at you when he/she is in a bad mood even though you're the innocent party
The excruciating stomach cramp started on thursday and I visited the toilet for countless times. The pain was just like someone tying a thick rope around my stomach and pulling me back tightly every few minutes. If I had a choice I wld rather pull out a knife and stabbed myself like a Samurai..bidding Sayonara to them. Haha..sorri for being so sadist.
I hate threats..especially when some old fella asks u to wash bottles and threatens to make ur life miserable and report to ur supervisor if u failed to do so. I don't mind washing stuffs or mopping floors but pls PLS dun use threats on IA students to resolve such issues. It really irriatates me a LOT.
See how accurate this forecast was " Make sure you don't respend to ppl who want to pull you into an emotional wrangle..being brutal could be the only way." Think I gotta Think and Act Smart, be less gullible and emotional at times. Jia You!!! 困难挫折打击不了一颗坚定不移的心 (GM James Phang)
Went to East Coast for cycling cum BBQ on Saturday. It was super relaxing and calming when I saw the sea and sky. I felt so carefree and the atmosphere was so much less tensed than that lab. Even how difficult life seems there's always this little bit of emotional comfort and serenity ard. *sMiles*
Muz apologsie to're my first passenger on the double bike but I juz dun have the stamina to ride. But at least we have fun rite..and Jie Jie came to our rescue. Haha.
SQ and KW's colleague was so nice to drive us home. Thanks a lot Milton.
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