The end of winter
Brings the rebirth of fresh leaf shoots
The eternally emerald green leaves during summer
Have filled life with vibrancy
I had asked you why was there summer
You had replied that the green leaves are willing to fulfil their rightful duty
Then I had asked you where was the girl next door
Why wasn't she fulfiling her duty
You had told me I coudn't see her again
As she had found her place in my heart
And my feet are hers too
Just like a flower that blooms
And sheds its petals
Just like a baby who wails
As he comes to this world
I embark on my journey
Stepping to the new world
With uncertainity and trepidation
I walk the path together with you
Our hearts and feet striving as one
We have unofficially graduated and now everyone has their plans on building their career or studies. I wished I had a chance to rely on all of you again..especially my downcast moments during year two and to worked hard for our FYP again. But yearns and desire are just a dreamer's mind. Truth is subconsiously is a timid mind that don't have the necessary courage to face challenges, climb up the corporate ladder and to carry the responsibilty of supporting my parents. The responsibilty seems great and which 1.5 years back wouldn't have been me alone to carry this responsibility.
Wanted to help somone to revise Maths on fri for his CE entrance test to NUS..but the paper was kinda tough and I had lost touch with AMaths for couple of years. Look through the Civil & Env Eng Maths lecture notes for uni..and oh great, the lecturer is creating a complex puzzle to solve rather than explaining terms la. Partial fractions with so many weird coefficients and alphabetical terms as compare to my poly notes. Ended up playing Sony PS which was damn cool and doing virtual driving lessons. Lol~
Spend my saturday doing the jigsaw puzzle that SQ mama gave me during christmas eve. Quite addicted to it and hope I can make a bigger puzzle next time. Kinda meaningful as I pieced up the puzzles to our friendship.

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