On the last day of 2012, I usually did a little practice with myself. Sit back and think of all the happenings for the year. Flashes of sad and happy encounters started appearing and I am thankful that I am still sitting in this room typing this blog post. I have survived all challenges and therefore, am one baby step stronger. Perhaps the pivot of 2012 was during the second half of the year, whereby I graduated and entered the workforce. It is easy to be caught up in the midst of work and routines such that I forget that I am suppose to constantly do personal development and apply my knowledge to work. Surprisingly, such knowledge is getting rusty. Time to take action.
I am glad that I came across and read the book "Search Inside Yourself". I think it is necessary for me practice mindfulness given that I am living in a fast-paced environment and have a temper which will flare easily or being too attached to my emotions. A blog post also explains to readers on how finding ourselves through meditation will build our resilience. It succinctly wraps up the distinction between feeling about my feeling and being them (which I often do so). "You are not your thinking. You are the person watching your thinking.
That little distinction is the difference between feeling your feelings
and being them — and it's critically important. When you feel anger, you're in control of what you do next. When you are angry, you've lost control."
Inc.com also shows 9 daily habits that can make oneself fee happier. A great start or resolution for the new year.
#1 Start each day with expectation
#2 Take time to plan and prioritize
#3 Give a gift (word of thanks, encouragement, politeness) to everyone you meet
#4 Deflect partisan conversation
#5 Assume people have good intentions#6 Eat high quality food slowly
#7 Let go of your results
#8 Turn off "background" TV
#9 End each day with gratitude
Looking back at 2012 resolution:
- Study and Career - Career is still in progress
- Financial Planning - Took the first step in managing my finances and still in progress
- Family, Friends and Loved Ones - I think I done this well, except in love relationship
- Tone my body (Achieving toned arms) - Bought exercise equipments, but require longer exercise regime
- Being Closer with my Religion - Can do better!
For this year, I set few more resolution. Some an update of existing ones.
Financial Planning for Personal and Family
Exercise More
Well-Balanced Lifestyle
Understand Love
Understand my Religion Better